In other words, when combined with the right cabinetry and other metallic elements, you’ll have an aesthetically impressive, upscale, European look that’s also functional.
This year, Swedish appliance manufacturer, Electrolux, celebrates 100 years’ experience designing premium appliances for the home. To mark the centenary, Electrolux has launched a full new kitchen suite in dark stainless steel, which showcases its Swedish principals of design and innovation for better living.
Speaking of the new range, McNamara says, “From sleek fridges to intuitive ovens, the dark stainless steel finishes from Electrolux offer seamless elegance for any kitchen design.”
But if you’re concerned about dark colours making small spaces appear even tighter, Anna-Carin believes that’s unwarranted.
“Space size doesn’t really influence what colours work best. For example, a small room can be dramatic if dark,” she says.